About This Game Relive the classic collected adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, …

The new collection, coming June 23rd, will offer both classic and remastered versions of the vintage Sonic games, although fans who want to own the games individually will now need to grab them in the next few weeks before they are removed from sale. Sonic Origins was announced last week, with its spicy price tag and questionable preorder plan attracting a fair bit of attention.

Sega does mention a couple of exceptions to this blanket removal (both affecting just select Switch versions), but on Xbox, other existing retro compilations such as Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Classics (which just includes the first two games) will be the only way to pick them up outside of Origins. For other regions, simply swap out 'en-us' near the start of the url for your own country code to be taken to the local store page.Several of these are already only available via the Xbox 360 marketplace, despite all being fully backwards compatible on newer Xbox consoles. All Xbox 360 Marketplace links provided are for US region.